The Definitive Guide to Mandated SEC 10-K Cybersecurity Disclosures

As of December 18, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has implemented new rules regarding cybersecurity disclosure requirements, impacting all public companies. This comprehensive guide explores the mandated SEC 10-K cybersecurity disclosures, delving into their implications for annual reporting, essential elements to include in the 2023 financial results, and the crucial steps to ensure accuracy and consistency in your company's disclosures.

Covered Companies

The SEC rules apply to all publicly traded companies with a class of equity securities listed on a U.S. stock exchange, including foreign companies listed on U.S. exchanges. Private companies, however, are exempt from SEC jurisdiction, as they are not required to file annual reports with the Commission.

The Final SEC 10-K Cybersecurity Disclosures

The purpose of the new SEC 10-K cyber disclosure rules is to inform shareholders about material information relevant to investment decisions, without divulging sensitive security details. The final rules focus on processes rather than policies and procedures, emphasizing 'material' risks and not all risk types.

Action: Create a section under Item 1 and label it Cyber Risk Program.
Action: Create a section under Items 1 and label it Cyber Risk Governance.

Action: Create a section under Items 1 and label it Cyber Risk Manager(s).

Download Playbook

To comply with the SEC cybersecurity rules, companies must address specific disclosure requirements in their annual reports.

Disclosure Requirement 1: Cybersecurity Risk Management Program

  • Confirm if your company has a cybersecurity risk management program.
  • Describe the program in 2-3 sentences.
  • Explain how material cyber risks are managed and integrated into overall risk management.

Disclosure Requirement 2: Engagement of Third Parties

  • State whether your company engages third parties in its cyber risk management program.
  • Provide a brief description in 2-3 sentences.

Disclosure Requirement 3: Third-Party Cyber Risk Oversight

  • Confirm if your company has a process to oversee and identify cybersecurity risks associated with third-party service providers.
  • Describe the process in 2-3 sentences.

Disclosure Requirement 4: Material Risks or Incidents

  • Disclose material cybersecurity-related risks or incidents that have affected or are reasonably likely to affect the company's results of operations or financial condition.

The following are NOT mandated requirements:

  • The company’s cyber risk management policies and procedures
  • The company’s incident management policies and process
  • The company’s BCP/DR policies and process in the event of an incident
  • The company’s corrective actions as a result of previous incidents

Cyber Risk Governance Disclosure Rules

Disclosure Requirement 5: Board of Directors Oversight

  • State whether the Board or a Board committee oversees cybersecurity risks.
  • Describe the program and how the Board considers cyber risks in 2-3 sentences.

Disclosure Requirement 6: Reporting to the Board of Directors

  • Explain the process by which the Board is informed about cybersecurity risks.
  • Discuss the process of escalation and the Board's awareness of material cyber incidents.

Role of Management in Cyber Risk Disclosure Rules

Disclosure Requirement 7: Managing and Monitoring Cyber Risks

  • Identify whether management or committees are responsible for measuring and managing cybersecurity risk.
  • Describe the prevention, mitigation, detection, and remediation of cyber incidents.
  • Highlight the expertise and training of responsible individuals.

Disclosure Requirement 8: Cyber Risk Manager or Personnel

  • Specify if the company has a designated chief information security officer or equivalent.
  • Describe their roles, responsibilities, and relevant expertise.

Disclosure Requirement 9: Reporting to the Board of Directors

  • Detail how frequently responsible individuals or committees report to the Board on cybersecurity risk.

Public companies now face new cybersecurity reporting requirements, necessitating the disclosure of cybersecurity risk management programs, processes, and updates on significant cyber events. Adhering to the SEC's mandated disclosures ensures transparency and accountability, providing shareholders with valuable insights into a company's approach to cybersecurity risk. Conducting thorough audits or assurance processes is vital to guarantee the accuracy and consistency of these disclosures in annual reports to shareholders. As cyber threats continue to evolve, staying compliant with these regulations is crucial for maintaining investor trust and safeguarding sensitive information.


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